Roof waterproofing is critical for structural integrity. Roofs are not just visual features; they fulfill a key role in facility protection. Whether flat or domed, every roof structure has a unique character. As the highest point of a building, roofs are continuously, year after year, bombarded by the elements, frequently giving way to costly leaks. MARIS POLYMERS offers liquid-applied Polyurethane roof coating systems for long-term protection of simple, and/or complex roof structures.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)Polyurethane liquid membrane can be applied to any roof be it a dome, butterfly, shed or hyperbolic paraboloid roof or a classic low sloped or flat roof. Be it a dome, butterfly, shed or hyperbolic paraboloid roof or a classic low sloped or flat roof, every roof structure has a unique character.Roofs are not just visual features; they fulfill the crucial role of protection. Being the highest point in a building, they take a battering from the elements and leaking is common after a few years. MARIS POLYMERS offers liquid-applied Polyurethane waterproofing systems with long-term protection for simple, detailed or complicated roof structures.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)Liquid Waterproofing Membrane for Green Roofs are one of the most exiting developments in roofing. The otherwise called eco roofs or roof gardens offer sustainable advantages to any building and its surroundings. Garden architecture can create grass, flowers and tree creations with patios and walkways to offer recreational opportunities for its inhabitants. Using a liquid waterproofing membrane MARIS POLYMERS offers liquid roofing – applied Polyurethane waterproofing systems, with long-term protection for simple, detailed or complicated roof structures.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)
Inverted flat roof waterproofing combined with a thermal insulation is essential for a buildings waterproofing and energy saving thermal insulation. The MARISEAL SYSTEM® inverted flat roof waterproofing method offers a simple build-up waterproofing, that features a protected waterproofing membrane and loose laying insulation boards.
The inverted waterproofing insulation system is applicable for all types of flat roofs, as it offers an efficient solution for new construction but also for renovation of old flat roofs as is it possible to install an inverted roof over an existing roof build up.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)Roof car parking waterproofing is one of the most challenging waterproofing and surfacing jobs in a buildings waterproofing. It must not only prevent water ingress into the premises below, but also provide a highly durable, abrasion resistant, elastic, anti skid and esthetic surface capable of withstanding long term vehicular traffic.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)Polyurethane spray foam is used to thermoinsulate different constructions.If the spray foam is used externally, a protective coating is necessary to provide protection against UV radiation and the elements.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)Terrace waterproofing and colored balcony waterproofing is very important for open-air exposed areas. Balconies and terraces, walkways, galleries, penthouses, loggias, the roofs of underground car parks used as plazas, decorative balconies and outdoor seating areas are constantly exposed to the elements. MARIS POLYMERS offers liquid-applied Polyurethane balcony / terrace waterproofing systems with long-term protection for plain colored decorative terraces that guarantee unalloyed enjoyment of the outside area – year after year. The MARISEAL SYSTEM® products can be used as solid color decorative self finished systems but can also be covered with tiles, paving or timber decking.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)Roof Waterpoofing Coating Liquid applied waterproofing polyurethane systems offered by MARIS POLYMERS with long-term protection for decorative terraces.Open-air exposed areas like balconies and terraces, walkways, galleries, penthouses, loggias, the roofs of underground car parks used as plazas, decorative balconies and outdoor seating areas are constantly exposed to the elements.MARIS POLYMERS offers liquid-applied Polyurethane waterproofing systems with long-term protection for decorative terraces that guarantee unalloyed enjoyment of the outside area – year after year. With the MARISEAL® SYSTEM products the widest range of finishes is possible ranging from colored-flakes finished systems to colored-sand broadcasted and colored, high-thickness sandcarpet finished coatings.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)Clear waterproofing is crucial for open air exposed areas.Balconies and terraces, patios and walkways are without doubt among the most heavily stressed parts of any building. They are permanently exposed to the elements and are subject to constant changes in temperature. Especially if these areas are covered with ceramic tiles these conditions frequently lead to cracks in the mortar joints, allowing water ingress causing considerable damage. MARIS POLYMERS offers a clear waterproofing system with unique transparent coating technology, the transparent liquid-applied Polyurethane waterproofing system MARITRANS®.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger, ecset vagy gépi szórás)Terrace coating is need in open-air, ceramic tile finished exposed areas like balconies and terraces, walkways and patios, are constantly exposed to the elements. MARIS POLYMERS offers progressive technology, liquid-applied Polyurethane waterproofing systems that can be applied under the ceramic tile finishing that offer long-term protection and guarantee unalloyed enjoyment of the outside area – year after year.
A MARISEAL SYSTEM® anyagok előnyei
Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)Open-air exposed areas like balconies and terraces, walkways, galleries, penthouses, loggias, the roofs of underground car parks used as plazas, decorative balconies and outdoor seating areas are constantly exposed to the elements. MARIS POLYMERS offers a unique liquid-applied Polyurethane waterproofing system that offers high aesthetic value and with long-term protection for terraces that guarantee unalloyed enjoyment of the outside area – year after year.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy simító)Open-air exposed areas like balconies and terraces, walkways, galleries, loggias, the roofs of underground car parks used as plazas and outdoor seating areas are constantly exposed to the elements. Especially if these areas are intended to host high pedestrian traffic, like a plaza in a shopping mall, or a public pedestrian deck, they need to fulfill both waterproofing function and decoration. MARIS POLYMERS offers liquid-applied Polyurethane waterproofing systems with long-term protection for publicly used terraces and decks that guarantee unalloyed enjoyment of the outside area – year after year.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)Under-tile waterproofing of wet areas is essential in order to prevent the buildup of dampness and humidity. Due to the frequency and intensity of exposure to humid conditions, bathroom and kitchen waterproofing (wet area or wet room waterproofing) is essential to prevent structural, decorative, and even human health related damage. Left unattended, moisture build up can seriously degrade and destroy primary and secondary facilities
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)Professional Kitchens, Kitchen Auxiliary rooms and public bathrooms are constantly exposed to humidity and wear conditions due to the high pedestrian traffic they need to withstand. Wet areas waterproofing or else called wet room waterproofing is required in order to avoid serious damage to the structure of the building and major decorative damage to rooms below. MARIS POLYMERS offers liquid-applied Polyurethane waterproofing systems with long-term protection for professional kitchens that withstand the daily wear and tear and in the same time offer decoration to create an appealing workplace
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)Kenhető bevonati rendszer víztartályok, mesterséges tavak, víztározók, stb. szigetelésére. A víztározó építmények szigetelésének folyamatosan ellen kell állni a víz hatásainak, valamint a szerkezeti mozgásoknak, mely néhány év után minden szerkezeti építményen probléma lehet. A MARIS POLYMERS poliuretán vízszigetelő rendszerei, hosszú távú védelmet nyújtanak a kisebb magán, vagy nagyobb ipari víztározó, mesterséges tavak, csatornák stb. szigetelésére.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)A vízcsatornák, vízelvezetők és öntözési csatornák folyamatos víznyomás hatásnak van kitéve, valamint a szerkezeti mozgások repedéseket sérüléseket képezhetnek a felületeken, mely néhány év után szivárgást okozhat. A MARIS POLYMERS kenhető vízszigetelő rendszerere hosszú távú védelmet nyújtanak a vízcsatornák, tároló medencék, öntözőcsatornák, lefolyó rendszerek, kerti tavak szerkezetének vízszigetelésére.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)A decorative Artificial Pond or a Water Tank used for Fish breading otherwise called Fish Tank are constantly exposed to pressing water. They need also to withstand a constant battering from the elements and leaking is common after a few years. MARIS POLYMERS offers liquid-applied Polyurethane waterproofing systems with long-term protection for simple, detailed or complicated Water Tank or Artificial Pond structures.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)Deck waterproofing and pedestrian waterproofing is crucial for open-air exposed areas: walkways, pedestrian decks, galleries, loggias, roofs of underground car parks used as plazas, and outdoor seating areas are constantly exposed to the elements. These facilities must be equipped to satisfy both decorative and functional (i.e., structural waterproofing) purposes, especially where areas are intended to host high volumes of pedestrian traffic (e.g., commercial plazas). MARIS POLYMERS offers liquid-application, polyurethane decking and terrace waterproofing solutions which deliver long-term protection for public facilities, ensuring unalloyed enjoyment of the outdoors, year after year.
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Gyors alkalmazás (henger vagy gépi szórás)Open-air exposed areas like walkways, pedestrian decks, galleries, loggias, the roofs of underground car parks used as plazas and outdoor seating areas are constantly exposed to the elements. Especially if these areas are intended to host pedestrian traffic, like a plaza in a shopping mall, or a public pedestrian deck, they need to fulfill both waterproofing function and decoration. MARIS POLYMERS offers liquid-applied Polyurethane waterproofing systems with long-term protection for decorative terraces that guarantee unalloyed enjoyment of the outside area – year after year. With the MARISEAL® SYSTEM products the widest range of finishes is possible ranging from colored-flakes finished systems to colored-sand broadcasted and colored, high-thickness sandcarpet finished coatings.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)Foundations / Retaining Walls Waterproofing External waterproofing of foundations is essential for every building with basement.Foundations and Retaining Walls are constantly exposed to humidity. Foundation waterproofing or else external basement waterproofing is required in order to avoid serious damage to the structure of the building and major decorative damage to rooms inside.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)Car park coating for Car Parking, otherwise called Parking Deck waterproofing, is one of the most challenging waterproofing in a buildings waterproofing. It must prevent water ingress from one Parking Floor to the other and offer mechanical resistance to long-term vehicular traffic.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)Parking Deck waterproofing is perhaps one of the most challenging processes in waterproofing and surfacing facilities. Notwithstanding its primary purpose of preventing water ingress, an exposed parking deck waterproofing process must also take into account the grinding wear and tear it will encounter by natural forces, vehicles and individual pedestrian traffic. Parking decks must be durable, abrasion resilient, elastic, skid resistant, and esthetically designed surfaces capable of withstanding long term multi-source use.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)The waterproofing of a Bridge Deck paved with Asphalt (Tarmac) is one of the most challenging waterproofing in civil engineering. It must prevent water ingress and offer mechanical resistance to long-term vehicular traffic.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)Detail waterproofing is important for the protection of the roof in roof structure.Complex and tricky details are some of the classic weak points in roof structures. Wall-floor connections, Flashings and 90° angles, Lightdomes, Rooflights, Chimneys, Pipes, Szifonok and Gutters are normally causing most problems in roof waterproofing. MARIS POLYMERS offers the MARISEAL® DETAIL, a liquid Polyurethane detail waterproofing system with long-term protection for simple, detailed or complicated roof detail structures.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)Waterproofing which is crucial for the buildings life don’t need to look boring! Professional, long lasting waterproofing can be done is such a way that the waterproofed surface is decorative, contributing to the properties value. Exposed areas like roofs, balconies, terraces, walkways, loggias, the roofs of underground car parks used as plazas and outdoor seating areas can be decorated with the MARISEAL® SYSTEM, the liquid-applied Polyurethane waterproofing membrane, which offers long-term protection against decay, and on the same time provides a beautiful environment for those that use it the waterproofed surface year after year. One example of the decorative application method that can be achieved with the MARISEAL SYSTEM® is the Solid Color Decorative Self Finished system. The finishing color can be chosen from a palette of colors, meeting every homeowners or architects decorative demand.
A MARISEAL SYSTEM® anyagok előnyei
Különböző dekoratív mintákWaterproofing which is crucial for the buildings life don’t need to look boring! Professional, long lasting waterproofing can be done is such a way that the waterproofed surface is decorative, contributing to the properties value. Exposed areas like roofs, balconies, terraces, walkways, loggias, the roofs of underground car parks used as plazas and outdoor seating areas can be decorated with the MARISEAL® SYSTEM, the liquid-applied Polyurethane waterproofing membrane, which offers long-term protection against decay, and on the same time provides a beautiful environment for those that use it the waterproofed surface year after year. One example of the decorative application method that can be achieved with the MARISEAL SYSTEM® is the Flakes-Broadcasted Decorative Self Finished system. The flakes color and the surface color can be chosen from a palette of colors and combined in infinite ways, meeting every homeowners or architects decorative demand.
A MARISEAL SYSTEM® anyagok előnyei
Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)Waterproofing which is crucial for the buildings life don’t need to look boring! Professional, long lasting waterproofing can be done is such a way that the waterproofed surface is decorative, contributing to the properties value. Exposed areas like roofs, balconies, terraces, walkways, loggias, the roofs of underground car parks used as plazas and outdoor seating areas can be decorated with the MARISEAL® SYSTEM, the liquid-applied Polyurethane waterproofing membrane, which offers long-term protection against decay, and on the same time provides a beautiful environment for those that use it the waterproofed surface year after year. One example of the decorative application method that can be achieved with the MARISEAL SYSTEM® is the Color-Sand Broadcasted Self Finished system. The sand color can be chosen from a palette of colors and combined in infinite ways, meeting every homeowners or architects decorative demand.
A MARISEAL SYSTEM® anyagok előnyei
Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)Waterpoofing which is crucial for the buildings life don’t need to look boring! Professional, long lasting waterproofing can be done is such a way that the waterproofed surface is decorative, contributing to the properties value. Exposed areas like roofs, balconies, terraces, walkways, loggias, the roofs of underground car parks used as plazas and outdoor seating areas can be decorated with the MARISEAL® SYSTEM, the liquid-applied Polyurethane waterproofing membrane, which offers long-term protection against decay, and on the same time provides a beautiful environment for those that use it the waterproofed surface year after year. One example of the decorative application method that can be achieved with the MARISEAL SYSTEM® is the Sandcarpet Self Finished system. The sand color can be chosen from a palette of colors and combined in infinite ways, meeting every homeowners or architects decorative demand.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)Glass brick wall waterproofing is very challenging job for a construction.Exposed Glass or Transparent Plastic Surfaces (Polycarbonate, Polyacrylate, etc) as Lightdomes, Skylights, Rooflights, Glass-Bricks walls are difficult to waterproof. Especially if a construction like this is leaking the waterproofing is very challenging.MARIS POLYMERS offers glass brick wall waterproofing, a unique transparent coating technology, the transparent liquid-applied Polyurethane waterproofing system MARITRANS®.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger, ecset vagy gépi szórás)Ceramic tile finished Swimming Pools and Szökőkutak are constantly exposed to humidity. Wet areas waterproofing or under tile waterproofing is required in order to avoid serious damage to the structure of the pool.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)Swimming Pools and Szökőkutak are constantly exposed to the elements as water, UV radiation, chemicals and wear and tear by daily use. A protecting coating must be used to protect the swimming pool and create an appealing optic.
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy gép szórás).Polyurethane spray foam is used to thermoinsulate different constructions. If the spray foam is used externally, a protective coating is necessary to provide protection against UV radiation and the elements. The MARISEAL SYSTEM® products provide waterproofing and protection from UV exposure, weathering and mechanical damage, bird picking and assist with the fire resistant characteristic of the roof system. In comparison to other coatings used for polyurethane foam protection, the MARISEAL SYSTEM® shows no problems at areas with ponding water, frost and UV radiation, thus providing a long lasting result
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Egyszerű alkalmazás (henger vagy ecset)