A nyitott cellás hab egy puha hőszigetelő anyag, legtöbbször családi házak szigetelésére használjuk (szálas szigetelések kiváltására). A zártcellás poliuretán hab egy keményebb szigetelő anyag, akár lépésálló felületeket is képezhetünk vele. Leginkább ipari munkákra alkalmazzuk, de családi házak aljzat és födém és lapostető szigetelésére is kiválóan alkalmas.
Ez attól függ, hogy milyen célra szeretné használni a szigetelést. Ha a szálas szigetelések kiváltására alkalmazza, akkor a nyitott cellás hab megfelelő, mert a szigetelés nem lesz fizikailag igénybe véve. Ha külső felületekre alkalmazná, akkor am zártcellás poliuretán habot javasoljuk.
A poliuretán habok hőszigetelő tulajdonsága jobb, mint a hagyományos szigetelő anyagoké. A purhabok teljesen egybefüggő felületet képeznek, miközben egy légzáró szigetelést alkot, ezáltal több mint 70% energiát spórolhat meg a hagyományos szigeteléssel szemben. A legnagyobb hőveszteséget a szigetelőanyagok légáteresztése okozza.
A zártcellás poliuretán habokból létezik lépésálló és mérsékelten lépésálló forma. Mindig a pontos feladat ismeretében válasszuk ki a megfelelő anyagot.
A szigetelést ára függ a felszórt szigetelés vastagságától, anyag típusától. Az árakról érdeklődjön telefonon (egyeztetjük milyen szigetelésről lenne szó és kalkulálunk árakat)
A kivitelezési idő sokkal gyorsabb, mint a hagyományos táblásított szigeteléssel készült szigetelések. Például egy átlagos méretű családi ház tetőterének szigetelése 1 napot vesz igénybe. További részletekről érdeklődjük E-mail-ben, vagy telefonon.
Természetesen van rá lehetőség. Két megoldás szokott lenni az ilyen tetők szigetelésére. Ha nem férünk hozzá a régi szigeteléshez, akkor a cserép megbontásával tudjuk megoldani a szigetelést. Ha a padlástér felől hozzáférhető, akkor a régi szigetelést ki tudjuk cserélni.
A szigetelés vastagsága függ, hogy mi lenne az igény. Tetőterek esetében általában legalább a szarufa vastagságokat szoktuk kitölteni. Például egy lapostető esetében 3cm vastagságtól szoktuk szórni.
Természetesen kérhet. Kérjük, vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot az alábbi elérhetőséget.
A szigetelés kivitelezésének alsó határa 10-15 °C. Léteznek téli habrendszerek melyekkel 5 °C-ig lehetséges dolgozni.
Ez mindig az aktuális munkáinktól függ. Egyeztetés után tudunk pontos időpontot mondani.
Létezik vízszigetelő zártcellás poliuretán hab rendszer, de nem minden zártcellás hab vízszigetelő.
Régi sarazott födélre rá lehet szórni a poliuretán habot. A poliuretán hab megóvja a régi födém további állapot romlását. A régi tetőkön becsepegő víz miatt nem kell aggódnia többé.
A minimum vastagság zártcellás hab esetében 3cm. Nyitott cellás hab esetében a minimum 5-8cm. Maximum vastagság nincs, bármilyen vastagságban tudjuk szórni.
A régi szigetelést, ha van rá lehetősége, akkor például egy födém szigetelésénél, vissza lehet teríteni a poliuretán habra. De javasoljuk inkább az elszállítást, hogy a későbbiekben ne penészedjen a régi szigetelése.
We are at your disposal by helping to choose the suitable machine. The type of machine depends on for which purpose you desire to use it. More accurate information can be given only after description of the exact task.
Price quotation for a device can be given after reconciliation. 30 machines are available with different configurations, so we can only determine exact price after choosing the suitable system.
It is difficult to be determined. It depends on how much is being taken. Some companies operate on lower prices, other utilize higher levels. We can only talk about more exact figures after personal meeting.
Two-component closed-, and open-cell polyurethane foams and polyurea coatings can utilized with these devices.
The calculation depends on many factors. Regarding this subject, please contact us by clicking the link below:
https://www.eupor.com/contactThis depends on the type of compressor. In case of smaller machines 120-250 liters / min., while for bigger machines 450-1000 liters / min. capacity air compression is required. More thorough information can be given after choosing the right kind of machine.
Air compressors are not needed to the machines, except for the air-driven devices. In all cases the pistols are operated by air. By operating and cleaning the pistols air is required. In case of bigger machines the storage pumps also utilize air (barrel pump)
The machines marked with A, are air driven devices, i.e. air pump generates the pressure. In machine with E sign air pressure is operated with electric engine. By devices marked with H sign pressure is achieved via hydraulic pump. The sign XP means electric device, however sign X signify the extreme high pressure, i.e. these machines are meant to spray polyurea coatings.
Technical description for every Graco device distributed by us are accessible on our website, which can be seen on the link below:
https://www.eupor.com/graco-machinesAfter usage the machines only need to put into park mode. Maintenance work should be done on the pistols.
After work the machines do not have to washed, because the used material is two-component based, which means the solution will not be mixed within the machine.
Base materials are two-component based, therefore the hoses do not have to cleaned. The components only mix at the end of the pistols. So the pistols require cleaning.
These machines are built for industrial purposes, so bigger project can also be done with them. You must concern before choosing the type of the machine how much material is being used per minute, and the electric capacity in order to decide the perfect choice for your task.
We cannot give you an accurate answer for this. It depends on the personnel, working hours, work conditions, thickness of insulation, etc.
Our activity covers the whole polyurethane foam technology such as application, machine distribution and maintenance, marketing of base materials and spare parts. We manage the sales of spraying devices and their accessories.
There is usually constant stock in spare parts. In case of any item is not in stock, then we have to order the parts from the headquarters of Graco in Belgium, which are dispatched to our premises on every Thursday. If you need any items urgently, TNT parcel service is at your disposal with 24 h delivery deadline.
Graco produces more than 10000 spare parts, accessories. Gather more information about the prices of desired items by visiting one the links below:
https://www.eupor.com/contactMaintenance work can be done on our premises. Most of the time we are able to provide troubleshooting aid via phone.
There is no need for general maintenance service for our devices (except the hydraulic ones). The general guidelines for maintenance work will be demonstrated during the installation of the devices, so you can manage proper maintenance work.
Most frequently the sources of error stem the lack of attention. Improper maintenance work, pistol care can cause a lot of problems.
We provide complete training after installation.
It is possible to buy used polyurethane machines, but usually the accessibility of these devices are limited. Actual information can be acquired on the following link
https://www.eupor.com/machine-contactUnfortunately we are not able to rent machines. The technology is based on proper training, in the absence of training machines cannot be operated.
The application of materials are not difficult. With little astuteness beautiful surfaces can be spray. However the preparation of surfaces, etc. are concern difficult
The popularity of polyurethane foam insulation is on the boom nationwide. In every year more and more implementation enterprises are founded, which yields to more and more possible work.
The temperature of applied material depend on the used material. In general we spray them on 40-70°C as the manufacturer description. For every material we provide proper technical information.
The dispersion of material applied in cold condition will be small, squirts it, and it can also shrink in size.
Spray polyurethane foams are susceptible to humidity in general, therefore they are solely applicable on sound surfaces. The lower limit for implementation is 10-15 °C.
This varies between companies. Generally companies give 5 to 10 years guarantee for finished projects.
The lifetime of finished insulation material depends on the mode of application. Usually polyurethane foam insulation maintains its physical characteristics during the whole lifetime of the building.
There is 1 year guarantee on our machines. For the new generation devices we provide 1 year guarantee and 3 years for the electronic systems.
The purchasing process is done on Graco web site, where the distributors will receive the machines according to the sequence of orders. The system will calculate the possible arrival time at our premises in calendar week, after finishing your order procedure.
Some of our partner have already bought devices as a part of a tender. We advise a consultation with tender writers in order to be up-to-date.
Installation will be done after purchasing the machines?
Installation of machines depend on the choice of device. Generally it takes 1-3 days, depending on the type.
Naturally, we welcome those future partners who are interested in the technology. Please arrange an appointment in advance with our colleague on of the following links:
https://www.eupor.com/machine-contactWe are also specialized in distribution of base materials. You can initiate your order by clicking on the link below:
https://www.eupor.com/contactBy clicking the link below you can see the list of distributed and available base materials:
https://www.eupor.com/material-distributionBy clicking the link below you can acquire up-to-date information about prices of base materials:
https://www.eupor.com/contactWe are able to display an extreme wide array of material samples in person to our clients, thanks to our more than 17 years of experience, e.g. full list of available materials, in every size, thickness and applicable on divers surfaces.
We issue base materials in person at our place of business in Cserkeszolo. It is possible to dispatch the ordered material to an address that is demanded by the customer, however before initiating this, it is necessary to indicate your request about this. A price quotation will calculated based on the expanses with our parcel delivery partner, which will be listed on the invoice.
Of course it is possible to dispatch you order within the border of the country. After clearing your invoice, we organize the delivery with our parcel dispatch partner which will be delivered within the following 1-2 workdays to the desired address. There is also an express delivery available that is organized by ourselves.
The actual cost of delivery depends on the weight of the package and the destination. Our dispatch partner categorizes the regions of the country based on postal code, in which the cost of delivery is available. The accurate cost is always calculated before the issuance of invoice.
In fact, materials can be sprayed on any sort of surface after it is correctly prepared. The substance has self-holder structure, therefore it creates massive adhesion to the surfaces.
By clicking the link below you can see the list of equipment required for the application.
Our company has more than 17 years of experience in the field of spray polyurethane technology and as opposed to other distributors, we cover the whole know-how, from the actual application procedures to the distribution of base materials, devices and maintenance services. Therefore every tool is within your reach at the same place. We can provide unique, customized discount prices for our partners and casual buyers, and we are at your disposal in case of troubleshooting and technical questions even via phone, as well as you can get information about special offers.